The EDT Training System is a very simple strength and muscle building system. The EDT training system may be simple but that doesn't mean easy. Many things look simple on paper but practice is another. This program is fantastic method for building muscle and strength fast.
EDT Training System it is a simple and efficient method of resistance training that fits in well with a complicated work schedule. It emphasizes using compound movements in a restricted time period to greatly increase the intensity, volume and density of training without adding hours to your fitness regimen.
EDT involves doing a workout, measuring how much work was done, and then consistently and gradually increasing that amount of work. When you do, muscle will grow, metabolism will increase, and you'll have a leaner, more muscular body
Staley does not believe that training for hours and hours using multiple sets on multiple machines to absolute failure is ideal. In contrast, he promotes routines that maximize efforts in 30-60 minute workouts just 3-4 times per week.
The EDT Training System pushes the concept of working in the PR (Personal Record) zones. Each PR Zone is 15 minutes in duration where the goal is to accomplish more work in each workout session within the same time period. For example, instead of doing three chest exercises (bench press, dumbbell flyes and pec dec machine) by performing three sets of 10 repetitions (3x10) on each, he recommends doing as many multiple sets of two antagonistic, compound movements in a 15 minute period as possible.
The weight that is used is usually what you could comfortably lift 10 times (your 10 rep maximum or 10RM). However, you only do five reps before moving to the antagonistic exercise and complete another five reps. Rest periods are kept to a minimum, and strict form must be maintained. Thus, over the course of the 15 minute period, the number of reps may decrease and the rest period may increase to maintain proper form.
The idea is once the 15 minutes is up, you total up your reps and then at your next session like the one you did today, you attempt to get more reps in the same amount of time. The goal is to do at least one more rep in the 15 minutes than you did during your last session. This indicates more work done in the same period of time, and, thus, improvement!
Do not work to, or near failure in the early sets. You may reach failure at the end as you try to beat your previous record.
After you are able to do 20% more reps than your original workout, increase the load by 5% and begin again.
The Edt training system sounds complicated, but it is really very basic and simple. Antagonistic exercise pairings are those that involve muscle groups that have either the complete opposite or non-related function (e.g., bench press/lat pulldown or bicep curl/tricep extensions). If you carefully keep records of your workout during the session, the pattern becomes clear. Let's look at a sample EDT workout:
•PR Zone 1
•A- Chin Ups
•B- Lying EZ Bar triceps extensions
•PR Zone 2
•C- Seated Rows
•D- Reverse grip tricep pushdowns
The EDT Training System is really a whole new way to look at weight training that will open your mind and bring the FUN and, most importantly, the RESULTS back into your training.
It's a way to train that SHORTENS your workout time while dramatically INCREASING the results you get from every single set and rep you do.
"In 4 Weeks, He Gained 1.5 Inches On His
Arms and 2 Inches On His Chest"...
I’m a fitness trainer who enjoys your style. I recently modified one of my clients programs using the principles of EDT. In only 4 weeks, my client gained 1.5 inches in his arms and 2 inches on his chest, which is amazing. I have also used the principles of EDT in certain periods of my training and have seen great results. Thanks again!"
— Robin Mungall Fitness
"In order to increase muscle mass, you either have to do MORE work in the SAME time period or the same amount work in less time."
"The basis of EDT Training System is gradually challenging your muscles to do MORE work within a standard time period, literally FORCING them to grow."
"You don't NEED cardio in order to burn fat. EDT can be used for cardio-free fat loss training and gets you better results than 'normal' fat loss routines."
As you can see the EDT Training System is different than what you are used to seeing. No EDT is not your typical muscle building program. It is much better.
But don't take my word for it go to the EDT Training System site Charles has some FREE sample videos you can get.
The EDT Training System efficient and effective.